University of wollongong
Recent media and Blogs
The Dad Space at the Discovery Space, UOW media release, October 17, 2024
Fathers Views on Family & Work after COVID-19, Child & Family Blog, USA, March 2024
Tired and Cranky: Baby learning about faces, Child & Family Blog, USA, December, 2023
Cutting back on the commute, Illawarra Mercury, August 15, 2020
Study shows gaps in understanding of mental health during pregnancy, UOW media release, July 29, 2019
Calls for improvement in the quality of mental health assistance for pregnant women. WIN News Illawarra, July 29, 2019
UOW-led study shows gaps in understanding of mental health during pregnancy. Illawarra Mercury, July 30, 2019
There is a reason why your young child wants to read the same book over and over again. The Conversation, Nov 2, 2018
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Family experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic
Infant cognitive development
Crawling is associated with more flexible memory retrieval by 9-month-old infants
Changes in infant visual attention when observing repeated actions
Infant and adult visual attention during an imitation demonstration
Infant face interest is associated with voice information and maternal psychological health
Eye tracking infants: investigating the role of attention during learning on recognition memory
Infant interest in their mother's face is associated with maternal psychological health
Selective imitation in 6-month-olds: the role of the social and physical context
Maternal well-being during pregnancy
The role of pregnancy acceptability in maternal mental health and bonding during pregnancy
Antenatal mind-mindedness and its relationship to maternal-fetal attachment in pregnant women
Nutrition information in pregnancy: Where do women seek advice and has this changed over time?
Gaps in maternal mental health and bonding during pregnancy and the early postpartum period
Sleep and cognition
Remembering in the context of internal states: The role of sleep for infant memory
Prior sleep timing and visual recognition of emotional faces in 6-month-old infants
Timely sleep facilitates declarative memory consolidation in infants
Naps promote flexible memory retrieval in 12-month-old infants
The relationship between prior night's sleep and measures of infant imitation
Sleep after learning enhances flexibility of memory retrieval in 12-month-old infants
Language and cognition​
The role of verbal labels on flexible memory retrieval at 12-months of age
Supporting early vocabulary development: what sort of responsiveness matters
Parent-child interactions, mental health, and interventions